Hummingbird electronics pty ltd Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Hummingbird electronics pty ltd is 1300 155 541/+612 4919 0427 .
Hummingbird Electronics pty ltd is an Australian privately owned and operated company. The company manufactures a wide range of electronic devices for every type vehicles. The devices manufactured by Hummingbird Electronics include Tamper Detector, Automotive Power Supplies, Stemming Timer, GPS Speed Sender, Digital GPS Speedometer, Fully Featured GPS Speedometer with Odometer, GPS Trip Meter, Inclinometer Display Unit, Tilt-Sensor & Switches USB Configurable Tilt-Switch, Remotely Configurable Force & Rate Detector, Accident Detector, Harsh Braking and Impact Sensor. Hummingbird Electronics pty ltd bagged "Highly Commended" award in the "Innovation" category in 2009. The company also won "Export Award" in 2010. The company won these awards in the BEC Hunter Region Business Excellence Awards.

Hummingbird electronics pty ltd Address

The address of Hummingbird electronics pty ltd is Unit 6, 24 Shearwater Drive Taylors Beach New South Wales 2316 Australia Fax : +612 498 22119.

Hummingbird electronics pty ltd Website

The Website of Hummingbird electronics pty ltd is

Hummingbird electronics pty ltd Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Hummingbird electronics pty ltd is 1300 155 541/+612 4919 0427 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hummingbird electronics pty ltd Service Center and Hummingbird electronics pty ltd customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Hummingbird electronics pty ltd customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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