Idlewild Park Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Idlewild Park is +1-724-238-3666 .
Idlewild and Soak Zone is a park located in Ligonier, Pennsylvania, United States. Idlewild and Soak Zone is also known as idlewild park. It was established in 1878. It is owned by Parques Reunidos. Idlewild Park has hosts many events. Idlewild Park has 40 total rides, 2 Roller coasters, and 16 Water rides. It has received nine times Golden ticket award for best children's park. Idlewild Park has provides hostels and lodging on online booking. The park has includes Olde Idlewild, Soakzone, Raccoon Lagoon, Hootin' Holler', Jumpin' Jungle, Entertainment Guide , Dining and Snack Areas and Gift Shops and Souvenirs etc. The address and contact number of Idlewild Park is also used for Idlewild park apartments, Idlewild park discount tickets, Idlewild park easton, Idlewild park hallowboo, Idlewild park map, Idlewild park weather, Idlewild park storybook Forest and Idlewild park rides.

Idlewild Park Address

The address of Idlewild Park is Ligonier, Pennsylvania 15658 United States.

Idlewild Park Website

The Website of Idlewild Park is

Idlewild Park Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Idlewild Park is +1-724-238-3666 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Idlewild Park Service Center and Idlewild Park customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Idlewild Park customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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