Infopark Cochin Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Infopark Cochin is +91-484-2415217, Fax No:+91-484-2415240 .
InfoPark Kochi is a leading IT hub located in Kakkanad, Kochi, Kerala with the dispersion of 100 acres land. The park was built by the Government of Kerala in 2004. The park has been increasing since its beginning in 2004, and within a few period of time, it has attracted opportunities from major information technology companies including Wipro, US Technology, Ibs Software Services, Tata Consultancy Services, OPI Global and Affiliated Computer Services.

The InfoPark Kochi has planned to become one of the significant information technology parks in India. InfoPark management team considers the business designs and specific facilities demands of the existing day’s traders in information technology/ITES, both national and international. To know more about the InfoPark Kochi, visit on the official website. The address and contact number of Infopark Cochin is also used for Infopark Cochin Jobs For Freshers, Infopark Cochin Jobs, Infopark Cochin Job Vacancies For Freshers and Infopark Cochin Jobs For Mba Freshers.

Infopark Cochin Address

The address of Infopark Cochin is Athulya, Kakkanad, Kochi-682030, Kerala, India.

Infopark Cochin Email Address

The email address of Infopark Cochin is

Infopark Cochin Website

The Website of Infopark Cochin is

Infopark Cochin Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Infopark Cochin is +91-484-2415217, Fax No:+91-484-2415240 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Infopark Cochin Service Center and Infopark Cochin customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Infopark Cochin customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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