Insolvensi Shah Alam Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Insolvensi Shah Alam is 03-5623 2400 .
Insolvensi or Malaysia Department of Insolvency is basically a Malaysian based government department which is located at Shah Alam. The department deals in such schemes and plans in order to solve the case related to bankruptcy. Besides this it’s main function also related to asset management, its realization, debt conviction and distribution of payment etc. The department works and solves all cases related to bankrupt after the law was passed by Malaysian Government that is Bankruptcy Act 1967 and Bankruptcy Rules 1969. The ministry not only collects the bankrupt status of company but also deals in individual status. The main Aim behind the establishment is to maintain the balance between the financial management and interest and integrity of customers. The fax number of ministry of Insolvency is 03-5623 2427.

Insolvensi Shah Alam Address

The address of Insolvensi Shah Alam is Malaysia Department of Insolvency, Selangor Branch, MRCB Tower, Level 12, 13, 13A & 18, No. 2, Council 14/10, Section 14, 40 712 Shah Alam, Malaysia.

Insolvensi Shah Alam Email Address

The email address of Insolvensi Shah Alam is

Insolvensi Shah Alam Website

The Website of Insolvensi Shah Alam is

Insolvensi Shah Alam Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Insolvensi Shah Alam is 03-5623 2400 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Insolvensi Shah Alam Service Center and Insolvensi Shah Alam customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Insolvensi Shah Alam customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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