Inverness Scotland Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Inverness Scotland is O3000-506300 .
Inverness Scotland famous for its scenic beauty, is one of the seven cities of the Scotland that sits in the South of the Highlands, on the Banks of River Ness . The word Inverness means “Mouth of the River Ness.”There are a lot of things to do and must see places at Inverness. The picturesque Inverness Castle, Gothic Town House, historic buildings in the Old town, the Inverness Museum and Art Gallery at on CastleWynd, Abertarf House in the Church Street are a few among places to visit in the City of Inverness. You could indulge in fine shopping or enjoy meals at lovely Riverside restaurants. Shoppers can find the retailers in historic Old Town, Victorian Market and Eastgate centre. You could do a forest walk at Craig Phadrig or set for cruise Down the Caledonian Canal to famous Loch-ness.

Inverness Scotland Address

The address of Inverness Scotland is Scotland North West, River House Young Street, Inverness Scotland IV3 5BN.

Inverness Scotland Website

The Website of Inverness Scotland is

Inverness Scotland Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Inverness Scotland is O3000-506300 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Inverness Scotland Service Center and Inverness Scotland customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Inverness Scotland customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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