Ivy Restaurant Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ivy Restaurant is +44 20 7836 4751 .
The Ivy restaurant is located in London's West Street near Leicester Square and Covent Garden and well-known with superstars and cinema guests. It was started in 1917 as a cafe. There is a private cuisine area on the first floor and seating up to 60 customers. In 1929, Mr. Monsieur Abel (owner) re-opened The Ivy in the present building and sold it to Bernard Walsh in 1951, and then the restaurant became the part of fish restaurant of Wheeler's group. In 1990 the restaurant was completely remodeled by M.J. Long (American architect) and in 2000 it was bagged "The Moet & Chandon London Restaurant Award" for excellence.

Ivy Restaurant Address

The address of Ivy Restaurant is 1-5, West Street, London, WC2H 9NQ, United Kingdom.

Ivy Restaurant Website

The Website of Ivy Restaurant is www.the-ivy.co.uk.

Ivy Restaurant Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ivy Restaurant is +44 20 7836 4751 (Click phone number to call).

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