Jamba Juice Headquarters Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Jamba Juice Headquarters is +1 510-596-0100 .
Jamba Juice Company founded in 1990 by San Luis Obispo. The Company is a restaurant retailer and its Headquarters are located in Emeryville, California, U.S. The Jamba Juice Company functioning in more than 26 states over 800 locations. In which near about 336 locations are owned by the company and left of 473 locations are franchise operated. The company also functions in more than 35 international locations. The Jamba Juice Company deals in a variety of seasonal juices like Pumpkin Smash, Sweetheart Smoothie, Apple Cinnamon Cheer; All fruits smoothies like Mega Mango, Five Fruit Frenzy; Creamy Treats, Fruit and Veggie Smoothies, Pre-Boosted Smoothies, Jamba Light Smoothies etc.

Jamba Juice Headquarters Address

The address of Jamba Juice Headquarters is 6475 Christie Avenue Suite 150 Emeryville, California 94608 United States.

Jamba Juice Headquarters Website

The Website of Jamba Juice Headquarters is www.jambajuice.com.

Jamba Juice Headquarters Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jamba Juice Headquarters is +1 510-596-0100 (Click phone number to call).

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