Ivrcl Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ivrcl is 40-3093 1999, Fax 40-2334 5004 .
IVRCL is a EPC and LSTK service provider. It started operations in 1990. The services it provides are: geophysical survey, architecture, soil mechanics, aerial survey, satellite imagery, contract preparation, Pipe works, structural engineering, climatological surveys, substation & costing. Its capabilities are: in house design center, Smart Plant, LOOPS and Ms Projects. Its group companies are: Hindustan Dorr Oliver Ltd., Darvy Markham and subsidiary companies are: Aavisa & Alkor Petroo Ltd.

Ivrcl Address

The address of Ivrcl is M 22/3 RT, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad – 500 057.

Ivrcl Email Address

The email address of Ivrcl is info@ivrinfra.com.

Ivrcl Website

The Website of Ivrcl is www.ivrcl.com.

Ivrcl Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ivrcl is 40-3093 1999, Fax 40-2334 5004 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ivrcl Service Center and Ivrcl customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ivrcl customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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