Phone Number of
Jorasanko Thakurbari is
+91-(33)-22695242 .
The Jorasanko
Thakur Bari is the hereditary home of the Tagore family that was established in 18th
Century by Prince Dwarkanath Tagore. Now, it has turned into the campus of the Rabindra Bharati university which is an educational and research university. Rabindranath tagore was born in Jorasanko Thakur Bari on May 7, 1861. It has also a Tagore Museum which provides details about the Tagore family history.
Jorasanko Thakurbari Address
The address of Jorasanko Thakurbari is 6/4, Dwarkanath Tagore Lane, M G Road, Kolkata 700007, West Bengal, India.
Jorasanko Thakurbari Customer Support Service Phone Number
The customer support phone number of Jorasanko Thakurbari is
+91-(33)-22695242 (Click phone number to call).
The postal and
official address, email address and
phone number (
helpline) of
Jorasanko Thakurbari Service Center and
Jorasanko Thakurbari customer phone number is given below. The
helpline of Jorasanko Thakurbari customer phone number may or may not be
toll free.
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