Jurys Inn Manchester Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Jurys Inn Manchester is +44 161 953 8888 .
Jurys Inn is a Hotel situated in Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom. It was opened in April 1999. Jurys Inn is a three star hotel. It is managed by Jurys Doyle Hotel Group. The hotel has 265 well furnished rooms which including Flat screen TV, Air-conditioning, Hair dryer, Tea and coffee refreshment dock, Spacious bathroom with complimentary toiletrie and wireless Internet access etc. The main branch hotel is located in Dublin, Ireland. It is a private hotel. William Jury is the founder of the hotel. Jurys Inn has many hotels located in Cork, Edinburgh, Newcastle and Leeds etc. Brian Collie is the chairperson of the hotel. The hotel provides various facilities such as bar/lounge, business center, small meeting rooms and laundry facilities. The address and contact number of Jurys Inn Manchester is also used for Jurys Inn Manchester Tripadvisor, Jurys Inn Manchester Parking, Jurys Inn Manchester Jobs and Jurys Inn Manchester Christmas.

Jurys Inn Manchester Address

The address of Jurys Inn Manchester is 56 Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester, Lancashire M1 5LE, United Kingdom.

Jurys Inn Manchester Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jurys Inn Manchester is +44 161 953 8888 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Jurys Inn Manchester Service Center and Jurys Inn Manchester customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Jurys Inn Manchester customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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