Kamera Olympus Indonesia Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Kamera Olympus Indonesia is 021-4263390, .
The Olympus Corporation is a multinational firm engaged in the business segment of electronics. Since 1919, the company was emerged through the efforts of Takeshi Yamashita. The company has made its name in production of world-class electronics, and it makes wide range of products with attentiveness and well designed such as cameras and audio, medical and surgical, scientific and industrial etc, and it sells and distributes all type of products with the brand name of Olympus. The company has its headquarters in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan which performs as a controller of all its business operations. In the addition, the company's service centers are situated in all over the serving locations of the world to provide all repair services with customer satisfactions. The company's all business are spread across the world with the help of group companies which includes Olympus America Inc, Olympus Imaging America Inc, Olympus Canada Inc, Olympus Europa SE & Co. KG, Olympus Medical Systems Corp and much more. As of 2011, the company had the strength of 39,727 employees.

Kamera Olympus Indonesia Address

The address of Kamera Olympus Indonesia is Konica Building Lt.3A, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No.78, Jakarta Pusat, 10610, Indonesia.

Kamera Olympus Indonesia Website

The Website of Kamera Olympus Indonesia is www.olympus.co.id.

Kamera Olympus Indonesia Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Kamera Olympus Indonesia is 021-4263390, (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Kamera Olympus Indonesia Service Center and Kamera Olympus Indonesia customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Kamera Olympus Indonesia customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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