Kennywood Amusement Park Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Kennywood Amusement Park is +1 412-461-0500 .
Kennywood Amusement Park is a most popular place for entertainment with the several rides and thrills. The park is located in West Mifflin of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania which is owned by Kennywood Entertainment Company. The main attractions of the Kennywood Amusement Park is water rides, three wooden coasters, hi-speed rides, spinning rides, relaxing rides, two steel coasters, and kid-sized rides. It is also one of the oldest amusement parks in the state of Pennsylvania established in the year 1898. The park was installed as Trolley Park, and in 1906, it was purchased by Andrew McSwigan and F. W. Henninger. The address and contact number of Kennywood Amusement Park is also used for Kennywood Amusement Park Hours, Kennywood Amusement Park Map, Kennywood Amusement Park Rides, Kennywood Amusement Park Weather, Kennywood Amusement Park Spends, Kennywood Amusement Park Reviews, Kennywood Amusement Park Black Widow and Kennywood Amusement Park Promotional Code.

Kennywood Amusement Park Address

The address of Kennywood Amusement Park is 4800 Kennywood Boulevard, West Mifflin, PA 15122, United States.

Kennywood Amusement Park Email Address

The email address of Kennywood Amusement Park is

Kennywood Amusement Park Website

The Website of Kennywood Amusement Park is

Kennywood Amusement Park Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Kennywood Amusement Park is +1 412-461-0500 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Kennywood Amusement Park Service Center and Kennywood Amusement Park customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Kennywood Amusement Park customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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