Kensal Green Cemetery Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Kensal Green Cemetery is +44 20 8969 0152 .
Kensel Green Cemetery is a famous graveyard in the London City of United Kingdom. It is having a capacity of 65,000 graves and over 2,50,000 interments. It is building over an area of 72 acres. It was built in the year 1832. It houses at least 33 species of Bird and other wildlife. It was founded as General Cemetery of All Souls, Kensal Green. It houses graves of 473 Commonwealth service personnel from the First World War. It houses graves of many personalities such as Henry Ainley which was popular actor, Thomas Allom who was a renowned artist and architect, George Percy Badger (1815–1888) who was an English Anglican missionary. The address and contact number of Kensal Green Cemetery is also used for Kensal Green Cemetery Freddie Mercury, Kensal Green Cemetery Burial Records, Kensal Green Cemetery Map, Kensal Green Cemetery Opening Times and Kensal Green Cemetery Catacombs.

Kensal Green Cemetery Address

The address of Kensal Green Cemetery is Harrow Road London W10 4RA, United Kingdom.

Kensal Green Cemetery Email Address

The email address of Kensal Green Cemetery is

Kensal Green Cemetery Website

The Website of Kensal Green Cemetery is

Kensal Green Cemetery Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Kensal Green Cemetery is +44 20 8969 0152 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Kensal Green Cemetery Service Center and Kensal Green Cemetery customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Kensal Green Cemetery customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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