Kingston Penitentiary Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Kingston Penitentiary is +1 613-992-5891 .
Kingston Penitentiary is a prison located at Ontario, Canada. It is one of the oldest prisons in Kingston area out of nine situated in the area. The prison can hold up to 550 criminals and guarded by tight security personnel. The prison was opened in the year 1835 it is so historic that it is included in National Historic Site of Canada in year 1990. It is managed by Correctional Service Canada which is a government department. The museum is also near to prison in which all useful informatory things like photographs and equipments are placed for preservation of history. The address and contact number of Kingston Penitentiary is also used for Kingston Penitentiary Tours, Kingston Penitentiary Museum, Kingston Penitentiary Paul Bernardo, Kingston Penitentiary Inmates, Kingston Penitentiary Riot and Kingston Penitentiary Jobs.

The fax number of prison is 613-943-1630.

Kingston Penitentiary Address

The address of Kingston Penitentiary is 340 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0P9, Canada.

Kingston Penitentiary Website

The Website of Kingston Penitentiary is

Kingston Penitentiary Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Kingston Penitentiary is +1 613-992-5891 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Kingston Penitentiary Service Center and Kingston Penitentiary customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Kingston Penitentiary customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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