Laguna Hills High School Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Laguna Hills High School is (949) 770-5447 .
Laguna hills high school is one of most popular public schools in Laguna Hills having reputed ranks in California. The school serves approximately 1810 students from grades 8 up-to 12. This High School was founded in 1978 at Laguna hills. In order to graduate from this School, students have to pass 220 credit which includes various programs like Golden-bell award wining two-way language immersion program, four-year Model United Nations program, the renowned International Baccalaureate program etc.The School offers many other additional courses like Music and Arts, Comedy sports etc. Many Physical and Athletics activities like Wrestling, basketball, Soccer also held in the Campus. Beside this, library is settled in the campus to provide benefit to the students. The address and contact number of Laguna Hills High School is also used for Laguna Hills High School Food Trucks, Laguna Hills High School Basketball, Laguna Hills High School Map and Laguna Hills High School Cross Country.

Laguna Hills High School Address

The address of Laguna Hills High School is 25401 Paseo de Valencia Laguna Hills, California, 92653, Saddleback Valley Unified, United States.

Laguna Hills High School Website

The Website of Laguna Hills High School is

Laguna Hills High School Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Laguna Hills High School is (949) 770-5447 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Laguna Hills High School Service Center and Laguna Hills High School customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Laguna Hills High School customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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