Lancaster Farms Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lancaster Farms is (757)-484-4421, (800) 336-2200 .
The Lancaster Farms is an extensive venue in use for water gardening, cropping and various Agriculture services. This place was established in 1969. It consist a Grand nursery of the plants of diverse Species. It is based in the New England region and segmented into several small sub divisions. The owner and Ceo of this Farm is Mr. Art Parkerson. This Farm businesses in profit based exchange of vegetables and trees and plants in larger amount and providing Food for the citizens. The address and contact number of Lancaster Farms is also used for Lancaster Farms Plant Outlet, Lancaster Farms Csa, Lancaster Farms Pa, Lancaster Farms Riot, Horse Farms Lancaster, Hmp Lancaster Farms Visiting and Hmp Lancaster Farms Jobs.

Lancaster Farms Address

The address of Lancaster Farms is 5800, Knotts Neck Road, Suffolk, VA-23435, Virginia, United States.

Lancaster Farms Email Address

The email address of Lancaster Farms is

Lancaster Farms Website

The Website of Lancaster Farms is

Lancaster Farms Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lancaster Farms is (757)-484-4421, (800) 336-2200 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lancaster Farms Service Center and Lancaster Farms customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lancaster Farms customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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