Louisville Kentucky Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Louisville Kentucky is 311, (502)-574-5000, (502)-574-2003 .
The Louisville is a main business district in the American state Kentucky. This is a beautiful city settled by George Rogers Clark in 1778. This city has its importance from historical perspective and consist its unique identity. There are all types of goods and services available in the city like transport, educational institutions and manufacturing units etc. The Metro center is consumer support services center in the city operating since last twenty four years and process the issues of the customers with prompt customer service. The address and contact number of Louisville Kentucky is also used for Louisville Kentucky area, Louisville Kentucky tourism, Louisville Kentucky attractions, Louisville Kentucky weather, Louisville Kentucky university, Louisville Kentucky zip code, Louisville Kentucky farm show and Louisville Kentucky newspaper.

Louisville Kentucky Address

The address of Louisville Kentucky is 601 West Jefferson Streets, Louisville, KY-40202, Kentucky, United States.

Louisville Kentucky Website

The Website of Louisville Kentucky is www.louisvilleky.gov.

Louisville Kentucky Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Louisville Kentucky is 311, (502)-574-5000, (502)-574-2003 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Louisville Kentucky Service Center and Louisville Kentucky customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Louisville Kentucky customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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