Macon Centreplex Coliseum Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Macon Centreplex Coliseum is +1 478-751-9152 .
The Macon Centreplex Coliseum is a convention center erected in 1968 and further renovated in the year 1996. The arena soon became a center of sports, trade shows and entertainment and was home to the two hockey teams called the Macon Whoopee and other is the Macon Trax ice as well as a football team named the Macon Knights arena football team up to 2006. It presently has a home to the Macon Metal, a United States soccer group and its sitting capacity calculated as 7,182 for hockey and football, and 9,252 for concerts. The center is located in Macon, Georgia and operated in City of Macon.

Macon Centreplex Coliseum Address

The address of Macon Centreplex Coliseum is 200 Coliseum Dr, Macon, Georgia 31217, United States.

Macon Centreplex Coliseum Website

The Website of Macon Centreplex Coliseum is

Macon Centreplex Coliseum Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Macon Centreplex Coliseum is +1 478-751-9152 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Macon Centreplex Coliseum Service Center and Macon Centreplex Coliseum customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Macon Centreplex Coliseum customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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