Maharashtra College of Arts Science and Commerce Mumbai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Maharashtra College of Arts Science and Commerce Mumbai is +91-022 2308 1664 .
Maharashtra College of Arts, Science and Commerce Mumbai is a private college that offers diploma and undergraduate courses (B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com.). Maharashtra College of Arts, Science and Commerce Mumbai has been operated by Khairul Islam Higher Education Society based in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. According to the report, the college commenced its operation in the year 1968 and has been affiliated to the University of Mumbai.

Maharashtra College of Arts, Science and Commerce Mumbai consists of different departments namely Arts, Science, Commerce, Computer Science and Information Technology that focuses on different areas such as Economics, History, Psychology, Sociology, Islamic Studies, Philosophy, Demography, Mass Communication, Market Research, Electronics Instrumentation, Horticulture, Accounting & Financial Management, Business Economics, Direct & Indirect taxation, Database Management, Web Designing & Programming, Embedded Systems, Modern Operating System, Professional Communication Skills, Micro-Processor & Micro-Controllers, Discreet Maths, Computer Graphics, Electronics & Communication Technology, Data Communication & Networking Standards, Object Oriented Programming, etc.

Maharashtra College of Arts, Science and Commerce Mumbai has various facilities like spacious classrooms, library (e.g. Book bank), students aid fund committee, students forum, NAAC committee, Ncc & NSS unit, auditorium, canteen, gymnasium, laboratories, sports room, placement cell, anti ragging cell, women development cell, hindi & Marathi sahitya mandal, etc.

Maharashtra College of Arts Science and Commerce Mumbai Address

The address of Maharashtra College of Arts Science and Commerce Mumbai is 246-A, Jahangir Boman Behram Marg, Nagpada, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400008, India.

Maharashtra College of Arts Science and Commerce Mumbai Website

The Website of Maharashtra College of Arts Science and Commerce Mumbai is

Maharashtra College of Arts Science and Commerce Mumbai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Maharashtra College of Arts Science and Commerce Mumbai is +91-022 2308 1664 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Maharashtra College of Arts Science and Commerce Mumbai Service Center and Maharashtra College of Arts Science and Commerce Mumbai customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Maharashtra College of Arts Science and Commerce Mumbai customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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