Markham Fairgrounds Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Markham Fairgrounds is +1 905-642-3247 .
Markham Fairgrounds is the host venue located on 10801 McCowan Road, Markham, Ontario, Canada. Markham fairground is spread in an area of about 104 acres of land. Markham Fair is the oldest and largest fair in the Canada. The fair was started in the year 1844 and organized by the Markham, Ontario and East York agricultural society. It is an annual fair which is visited by more than 80,000 visitors. Many entertainment events are held there midway rides, demolition derby, Agri-food Tent Shows, horse pull and tractor pull. It is owned and managed by the Ontario Corporation. The Markham fair have several stalls installed in it. The address and contact number of Markham Fairgrounds is also used for Markham Fairgrounds Shoe Sale, Markham Fairgrounds Crocs Sale, Markham Fairgrounds Estee Lauder, Markham Fairgrounds Mac Sale September and Markham Fairgrounds Christmas Craft Show .

Markham Fairgrounds Address

The address of Markham Fairgrounds is 10801 McCowan Road, Markham, ON L3P 3J3, Canada.

Markham Fairgrounds Website

The Website of Markham Fairgrounds is

Markham Fairgrounds Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Markham Fairgrounds is +1 905-642-3247 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Markham Fairgrounds Service Center and Markham Fairgrounds customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Markham Fairgrounds customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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