Maybank Taman Melawati Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Maybank Taman Melawati is +60341070115, Fax : +60341082260 .
In Malaysia, the Maybank is operating several branches in several Regions like Selangor, Shal Alam, Taman Melawati and many more. The Maybank in Taman Melawati is well-known for providing the financial as well as commercial services to suit the needs of every individual. In Malaysia itself the group is operating 401 branches whereas in Philippines, the group is having 55 branches and also acquired a strong banking position in the cities of south Asian cities such as Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Brunei, Indonesia and Laos. Maybank is having expertise in serving the services for financial, commercial and other banking sectors with quality assurance. Apart from banking services, it also operates a range of subsidiaries like PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk, Maybank PNG Limited, Etiqa international holdings, Maybank Philippines incorporated and many other subsidiaries.
The group has launched its first ATM i.e. “Maybank Kawanku” in 1985 but later on in 1995, the name of the ATM changed to “MayBankard” which was designed using the logo of Maestro and Cirrus that is recognized as a section of MasterCard. The bank was first established by a famous Malaysia business tycoon i.e. Khoo Teck Puat with the help other Kuala Lumpur residents. With the growth of the bank, its market capitalisation were also keep on increasing through which the Maybank has become the most prevalent bank in the whole Malaysia as well as due to its international services, the bank is also recognized as the biggest international financial sector throughout the world.

Maybank Taman Melawati Address

The address of Maybank Taman Melawati is 209-10 Jalan Negara 2, Taman Melawati, Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Maybank Taman Melawati Website

The Website of Maybank Taman Melawati is

Maybank Taman Melawati Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Maybank Taman Melawati is +60341070115, Fax : +60341082260 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Maybank Taman Melawati Service Center and Maybank Taman Melawati customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Maybank Taman Melawati customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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