Miet Gondia Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Miet Gondia is 07182-252158, 07182-252026 .
The Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET) is an Indian technical institute situated in Kudwa Village, Gondia, Maharashtra, India. It was built in the year of 1983 as an Engineering College by Late Shri Manoharbhai Patel. The MIET has owns ten departments namely Information Technology, Computer Technology, Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Diploma and degree courses in Pharmacy, & Applied Science and Humanities. The institute is spread in an area of land approximately 25 acres. It is well prepared with all facilities such as laboratories, classrooms, workshops, departmental level Computer Centers, Library, Training and Placement Cell, Boys and Girls Hostels. It is one of the premier institutes in Central India. Smt Varsha Praful Patel is the president of the MIET institute and Dr S S Rathore is the principal. The address and contact number of Miet Gondia is also used for Miet Gondia Ranking, Miet Gondia Students, Miet Gondia Placement and Miet Gondia Website.

Fax No: 07182-252139

Miet Gondia Address

The address of Miet Gondia is Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kudwa Village, Gondia 441614, Maharashtra, India.

Miet Gondia Email Address

The email address of Miet Gondia is info@mietgondia.in.

Miet Gondia Website

The Website of Miet Gondia is www.mietgondia.in.

Miet Gondia Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Miet Gondia is 07182-252158, 07182-252026 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Miet Gondia Service Center and Miet Gondia customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Miet Gondia customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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