Minnesota Department of Revenue Contact Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Minnesota Department of Revenue Contact is +1-651-556-3075, (651)-556-3000 .
The Department of Revenue of the State of Minnesota in the United States engaged in the process of recovering taxes, monitor state tax laws and it collects 28 different types of taxes and recovering Seventeen billion dollars per year and invests that amount in the social welfare plans and infrastructural developments in the state. The department is overseeing revenue system under the monitoring of the Commissioner of Revenue who is appointed by the state Governor. This department was assembled in 1858 for applying property tax, corporate income tax, individual income tax, alcohol taxes and cigarette and tobacco tax etc. The Revenue body of the government is one of the key revenue collectors for the government. The address and contact number of Minnesota Department of Revenue is also used for Minnesota Department of Revenue jobs, Minnesota Department of Revenue power of attorney, Minnesota Department of Revenue facebook, Minnesota Department of Revenue property tax, Minnesota Department of Revenue property tax refund and Minnesota Department of Revenue sales tax.

Minnesota Department of Revenue Contact Address

The address of Minnesota Department of Revenue Contact is 600, North Robert Street, St. Paul, MN-55101, Minnesota, United States.

Minnesota Department of Revenue Contact Website

The Website of Minnesota Department of Revenue Contact is www.revenue.state.mn.us.

Minnesota Department of Revenue Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Minnesota Department of Revenue Contact is +1-651-556-3075, (651)-556-3000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Minnesota Department of Revenue Contact Service Center and Minnesota Department of Revenue Contact customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Minnesota Department of Revenue Contact customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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