Moses Mabhida Stadium Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Moses Mabhida Stadium is +27 31 582 8222 .
Moses Mabhida Stadium opened on 28th November 2009 by the architect Gerkan, Marg and Partners, NSM designs, etc. The stadium was named by the Moses Mabhida who was a former general secretary in the South African communist party. It is located in Durban, South Africa. It is also consigned as Durban Stadium because the stadium acts as one of the venues for the World cup FIFA 2010. Currently, it is known as the home place for Premier Soccer League Team of AmaZulu. Moreover, it also swarms the final match of 2010 MTN 8. Apart from sports, the stadium also hosts several concerts as well as events like Neil Diamond, 2012 Top Gear Festival, etc.

Moses Mabhida Stadium Address

The address of Moses Mabhida Stadium is 44 Isaiahntshangase Road, Durban 4025, South Africa.

Moses Mabhida Stadium Website

The Website of Moses Mabhida Stadium is

Moses Mabhida Stadium Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Moses Mabhida Stadium is +27 31 582 8222 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Moses Mabhida Stadium Service Center and Moses Mabhida Stadium customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Moses Mabhida Stadium customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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