Niit Ghatkopar East Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Niit Ghatkopar East is 022 - 65111571, 65111581 .
The Niit limited is a worldwide technical education Services Corporation offering learning with advanced course materials to the professionals and students. It provides knowledge solutions to public, enterprises and professional institutions, BPOs and insurance industries, management schools and vocational skills training institutions. It is a publicly traded company originated in India in 1981 a particularly engaged in the Talent development. The company was evolved by mutual efforts of Rajendra S.Pawar and Vijay K.Thadani. The company has its headquarters in Gurgaon of Haryana state of India. The current Chairman cum managing director of this Enterprise is Rajendra Singh Pawar. The address and contact number of Niit Ghatkopar East is also used for Niit In Programming Languages, Niit Computer Courses in Ghatkopar, Niit Ghatkopar West and Niit Ghatkopar Prometric Center.

Niit Ghatkopar East Address

The address of Niit Ghatkopar East is 5th Floor, Jayant Arcade, M.G.Road, Ghatkopar East, Mumbai-400077, Maharashtra, India.

Niit Ghatkopar East Email Address

The email address of Niit Ghatkopar East is

Niit Ghatkopar East Website

The Website of Niit Ghatkopar East is

Niit Ghatkopar East Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Niit Ghatkopar East is 022 - 65111571, 65111581 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Niit Ghatkopar East Service Center and Niit Ghatkopar East customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Niit Ghatkopar East customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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