Niit Jaipur Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Niit Jaipur is +91 (0141) 4362806, +1 800 180 6448 .
NIIT Learning Centres in Jaipur gives Computer education and training to individuals, corporates , job aspirants and educational institutions. Niit has five branches at Prithviraj Road, Tilak Nagar, Vidyadhar Nagar, Sindhi Colony and Malviya Nagar in Jaipur. NIIT is a Global Talent Development Corporation established in 1981 and helps the industries by providing them with skilled manpower. NIIT was founded in India and the networks of institutions are spread across 44 countries worldwide. NIIT is ranked Number 4 by Great Place to Work Institute as “Best companies to work in India” for the year 2013- 2014.

Niit Jaipur Address

The address of Niit Jaipur is Sdc Vinay 2nd, Floor, Plot No 38 and 39, Opposite Bharat Petrol Pump, Calgary Road,Moji Colony, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur - 302017 India.

Niit Jaipur Email Address

The email address of Niit Jaipur is

Niit Jaipur Website

The Website of Niit Jaipur is

Niit Jaipur Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Niit Jaipur is +91 (0141) 4362806, +1 800 180 6448 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Niit Jaipur Service Center and Niit Jaipur customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Niit Jaipur customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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