Nyu London Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Nyu London is +44 20 7907 3200 .
NYU London is originally known as New York University is one of the campuses of the famous United States university. The university main campus is in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, United States spread over an area of 229 acres. It is an old university founded back in the year 1831. The university was selected to the Association of American Universities in the year 1950. It is a private university providing several other educational institutes in the region. The university includes a lot of alumnus who received the prestigious awards like Nobel Prize, Pulitzer Prize, Abel Prize, Academy Awards. The university further divided into schools, colleges, departments and other institutes. The address and contact number of Nyu London is also used for Nyu London Campus, Nyu London Byron Court, Nyu London Courses, Nyu London Internships and Nyu London Jobs .

Nyu London Address

The address of Nyu London is 6 Bedford Square London, Greater London WC1B 3RA, United Kingdom.

Nyu London Website

The Website of Nyu London is www.nyu.edu.

Nyu London Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Nyu London is +44 20 7907 3200 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Nyu London Service Center and Nyu London customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Nyu London customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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