Ohio Village Columbus Ohio Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ohio Village Columbus Ohio is +1-800-686-6124 .
Ohio Village is located in Columbus, Ohio, United States of America. It is an eminent history museum. It was formed on July 27, 1974. The area of the land spread in 15 acres. The village has 22 buildings Town Hall, Masonic Lodge and General Store, Pharmacy Shop, Print Shop, Tinsmith Shop, Education Center, Weaver's shops, Soldiers Aid Society, Broom and Basket Shop, Schoolhouse, the Colonel Crawford Inn and the Elk's Head Tavern etc. The village also organizes events on the eve of all hallows. Ohio Village Muffins and Lady Diamonds both are the very renowned baseball teams, which is belong to Ohio Village. The address and contact number of Ohio Village Columbus Ohio is also used for Ohio Village Columbus Ohio country living fair, Ohio historical center and Ohio Village, Ohio historical center, Ohio history center Columbus, museum of natural history Columbus Ohio, Ohio historical society events, university Village Columbus Ohio maintenance and italian Village Columbus Ohio homes for sale.

Ohio Village Columbus Ohio Address

The address of Ohio Village Columbus Ohio is 800 E 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43211, United States of America.

Ohio Village Columbus Ohio Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ohio Village Columbus Ohio is +1-800-686-6124 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ohio Village Columbus Ohio Service Center and Ohio Village Columbus Ohio customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ohio Village Columbus Ohio customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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