Oregon Dhs Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Oregon Dhs is 503-945-5944 .
The Oregon Department of Human Services is a state government agency. Bruce Goldberg is the Director of the agency. It was setup in 1971 Oregon Department of Human Resources and name changed to The Oregon Department of Human Services in 1999. Head Office of the Oregon DHS is located in Salem, Oregon, Unite States. It provides mental health and public health services, vocational rehabilitation services, public assistance programs and administering the Oregon Health Plan. The Oregon Department of Human Services is divided into six divisions namely- Administrative Services Division, Addictions and Mental Health Division, Children, Adults, and Families Division, Division of Medical Assistance Programs, Public Health Division and Seniors & People with Disabilities Division. The address and contact number of Oregon Dhs is also used for Oregon Dhs locations, Oregon Dhs employment, Oregon Dhs child welfare, Oregon Dhs child care, Oregon Dhs offices, Oregon Dhs adoption, Oregon Dhs directory and Oregon Dhs jobs.

Oregon Dhs Address

The address of Oregon Dhs is 500 Summer Street, NE, Salem 97301, Oregon, United States.

Oregon Dhs Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Oregon Dhs is 503-945-5944 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Oregon Dhs Service Center and Oregon Dhs customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Oregon Dhs customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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