Pandit Jasraj Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Pandit Jasraj is +91-22- 26359674, +91-22- 26359675 .
Pandit Jasraj is a famous classical vocalist. He was born on 28 January 1930 in Mewati gharana. He was initially trained by his Elder brother Maniram, then by Jaywant Singh Waghela and Ustad Gulam Kadar Khan. The Pandit had sung Raga Kaunsi Kanada on air Radio as his first performance. He is rewarded with the various awards such as Padma Vibhushan, Sangeet Kala Ratna, Maharashtra Gaurav Puraskar, Marwar Sangeet Ratna Award and many others. Jasraj had married Madhura and has two children. The address and contact number of Pandit Jasraj is also used for Pandit Jasraj download, gayatri mantra Pandit Jasraj, Pandit Jasraj bhajans, Pandit Jasraj school of music, Pandit Jasraj om namo bhagavate vasudevaya, Pandit Jasraj om namah shivaya and Pandit Jasraj bhajans free download.

Tele/Fax No: - +91-22-26395839

Pandit Jasraj Address

The address of Pandit Jasraj is Art and Artistes India Pvt Ltd, B-1 Noorie Apts, Yari Road, Versova, Mumbai - 400061, Maharashtra, India.

Pandit Jasraj Website

The Website of Pandit Jasraj is

Pandit Jasraj Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Pandit Jasraj is +91-22- 26359674, +91-22- 26359675 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Pandit Jasraj Service Center and Pandit Jasraj customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Pandit Jasraj customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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