Preston University Pakistan Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Preston University Pakistan is 091-5845540 .
The Preston University is a private university, it provides higher education in pashawar, and founded in the year of 1984. The university is situated in Jamrud Road, Peshawar, Pakistan and managed by group of dedicated professionals and academicians. It is owned by Abdul Basit, who served as head of both universities. The university offers various facilities and services including computer labs, e mail account facility, library, 30 staff members, 18 classrooms, fully air conditioned campus. The university provides many courses and degree programs such as EMBA, EMS, MBA, Economics, Mathematics and Electronics Telecommunication. The address and contact number of Preston University Pakistan is also used for Preston University Pakistan Distance Learning, Preston University Pakistan Karachi, Preston University Pakistan Ranking, Preston University Pakistan Old Papers, Preston University Pakistan Lahore, Preston University Pakistan Fee Structure, Preston University Pakistan Degree Verification and Preston University Pakistan Online Courses.

Fax No- 091-5845523

Preston University Pakistan Address

The address of Preston University Pakistan is 18, Old Jamrud Road, University Town, Peshawar, Pakistan.

Preston University Pakistan Email Address

The email address of Preston University Pakistan is

Preston University Pakistan Website

The Website of Preston University Pakistan is

Preston University Pakistan Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Preston University Pakistan is 091-5845540 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Preston University Pakistan Service Center and Preston University Pakistan customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Preston University Pakistan customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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