Rigid Edmonton Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Rigid Edmonton is 7804336600 .
RIDGID is a second name of The Ridge Tool Company, is a manufacturer of power tools, and in this field, the company is known for the production of Pipe and Tubing Tools, General Purpose Tools, Air Tools, Outdoor Power Equipment, Drain Cleaning Tools, Drain Cleaning Tools and many other tools. It has a large collection of power tools with 4,000 models of its products. The company belongs to the United States, and it is working in this field from 1923, and the company operates in 140 countries with a good reputation. It is operated and owned by a manufacturing company of electrical equipment, Emerson Electric Company. Comax Tools is an authorized service center of Ridgid which is located in Edmonton, AB, Canada. Besides this, the company has also set its own certified and authorized service centers in all over the world. To search nearest service center, can log on official website.

Rigid Edmonton Address

The address of Rigid Edmonton is 9815, 45th Avenue, Edmonton, AB, Canada.

Rigid Edmonton Website

The Website of Rigid Edmonton is www.ridgid.com.

Rigid Edmonton Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Rigid Edmonton is 7804336600 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Rigid Edmonton Service Center and Rigid Edmonton customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Rigid Edmonton customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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