Rim Waterloo Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Rim Waterloo is +1 519-884-5363,Fax No:+1 519-884-8560 .
Rim Park is located at 2001 Ave. E., in Waterloo , Ontario spread out in 500-acres.Rim park is the home for multi-purpose recreation building is also known as Manulife Financial Sportsplex and healthy Living Centre. Rim Park is one of the Waterloo’s foremost recreation and park complex. It is open on all days from 6 a.m to midnight and whenever there is program. Rim Park is closed on declared holidays. They have facilities like Golf Course, Green Lab, Heritage elements, Multi-purpose recreation building, Outdoor sports facilities, public art, play areas at the main building and ball diamonds, trails and parkland. Rim park is a crowd puller and around one million people is said to have visited in a year. Rim Park also host various events that include the Mayor’s New Year Levee, job fairs, exhibitions, art sales, company presentations, conferences and banquets. Rim Park is fully licensed, smoke free and have the comforts and ease of air-condition. Wheel chairs are also available within the facility.

Rim Waterloo Address

The address of Rim Waterloo is 2001, University Avenue East, Waterloo, Ontario, N2K 4K4, Canada.

Rim Waterloo Website

The Website of Rim Waterloo is www.waterloo.ca.

Rim Waterloo Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Rim Waterloo is +1 519-884-5363,Fax No:+1 519-884-8560 (Click phone number to call).

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