School of Nursing Nottingham Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of School of Nursing Nottingham is +44-115-823-0850, (0115)-8838900 .
The Nottingham is a Cosmopolitan city having several educational and medical institutions. This city has supreme quality colleges and universities. The University of Nottingham is one of its most appropriate examples. The University of Nottingham is world's famous research university having several affiliated medical institutes, professional schools and graduation institutes in running status. The university of Health science is accredited to the Nottingham University Hospitals Trust and providing courses viz., Bachelor in Science (both honors and pass course), Masters of Nursing, Physiotherapy and other short term courses. This medical institute has and academic staff of over three hundred subordinates. The nursing education is related to the patient care and it is producing the health care professionals since last so many years. The address and contact number of School of Nursing Nottingham is also used for Midwifery Training Nottingham, Nottingham Medical School, School of Nursing Midwifery and Physiotherapy, Nursing Open Days Nottingham and Nottingham Placement Look up.

School of Nursing Nottingham Address

The address of School of Nursing Nottingham is South Block, B-Floor, Queen's Medical Centre, Derby Road, Derby, Nottingham, NG72HA, England, United Kingdom.

School of Nursing Nottingham Email Address

The email address of School of Nursing Nottingham is

School of Nursing Nottingham Website

The Website of School of Nursing Nottingham is

School of Nursing Nottingham Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of School of Nursing Nottingham is +44-115-823-0850, (0115)-8838900 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of School of Nursing Nottingham Service Center and School of Nursing Nottingham customer phone number is given below. The helpline of School of Nursing Nottingham customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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