Sikh Temple Wisconsin Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Sikh Temple Wisconsin is 414-764-7454 .
Sikh Temple Wisconsin is located in Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154, United States of America. It was formed on October 1, 1997. It covers the area in 17,500 square feet. The Gurdwara offers services in Akhand Path, Sahej Path, Sukhmani Sahib Path, Wedding Ceremony, Kirtan at home and Antim Ardas Ceremony. Moreover, the Sikh Temple Wisconsin also offers reading, writing and speaking of Punjabi language through its mentoring program. While the gurdwara also cooperated with Rangla Punjab organization, which organizes various punjabi programs including gidha, bhangra and other cultural activities. The address and contact number of Sikh Temple Wisconsin is also used for sikh temple of wisconsin brookfield, wisconsin sikh temple shooting, wisconsin sikh temple shooting wiki, wisconsin sikh temple shooting victims, wisconsin sikh temple shooter, wisconsin sikh temple shooting video, wisconsin sikh temple shooting cnn and wisconsin sikh temple shooting wikipedia.

Sikh Temple Wisconsin Address

The address of Sikh Temple Wisconsin is PO Box 245, Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154, United States of America.

Sikh Temple Wisconsin Email Address

The email address of Sikh Temple Wisconsin is

Sikh Temple Wisconsin Website

The Website of Sikh Temple Wisconsin is

Sikh Temple Wisconsin Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Sikh Temple Wisconsin is 414-764-7454 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Sikh Temple Wisconsin Service Center and Sikh Temple Wisconsin customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Sikh Temple Wisconsin customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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