Ssnit Ghana Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ssnit Ghana is (0302) 667731, 667736, 668664 .
The Social Security and National Insurance Trust is a government owned organization and ruled by the National Pension Scheme of the Ghanaian government. It is the biggest non-banking financial institute in the Ghana responsible for the payments of the pension and income for the survival of the civilians in the country. It is a registered body with more than one million pensioners. This department is functioning under the National Pensions Act 2008. It is a member of International Social Security Association and operating from the head branch in Accra of Ghana. There are 48 branches of this office which are engaged in the social security of the Africa South of the Sahara region. The address and contact number of Ssnit Ghana is also used for Ssnit Contribution in Ghana, Ssnit Ghana Recruitment, Ssnit Ghana Careers, Ssnit Ghana Student Loan, Ssnit Benefits, Ssnit News and Ssnit Ghana Jobs.

Ssnit Ghana Address

The address of Ssnit Ghana is P.O. Box MB.149, Ministries, Accra - Ghana.

Ssnit Ghana Email Address

The email address of Ssnit Ghana is

Ssnit Ghana Website

The Website of Ssnit Ghana is

Ssnit Ghana Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ssnit Ghana is (0302) 667731, 667736, 668664 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ssnit Ghana Service Center and Ssnit Ghana customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ssnit Ghana customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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