St George Temple Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of St George Temple is (1) 435-673-3533 .
The St George Utah Temple commonly famous as the St. George Temple is the 1st temple built by Lds Church. It is situated in Utah city of St. George and was developed by Truman O Angell. The temple is look more same to the Nauvoo Temple as compare to the LDS temples. It is the most Ancient temple even so is utilized by the LDS Church. These days, it has 3 ordinance rooms and has total area of 10,000 m². The temple was initially developed with two huge halls and lower Hall was divided with curtains to offer the ordinance rooms. In 1938, it was redeveloped having permanent walls partitioned it into 4 ordinance rooms. The address and contact number of St. George Temple is also used for St. George Temple Pictures For Sale, St. George Temple Sessions , St. George Temple Framed Art, St. George Temple History, St. George Temple Apartments and St. George Temple Founding Fathers Painting.

Fax No: (1) 435-628-9383

St George Temple Address

The address of St George Temple is 250 East 400 South, St. George, Utah 84770-3699 United States.

St George Temple Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of St George Temple is (1) 435-673-3533 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of St George Temple Service Center and St George Temple customer phone number is given below. The helpline of St George Temple customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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