Surrey Quays Cinema Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Surrey Quays Cinema is 0871 22 44 007 .
ODEON Surrey Quays Cinema is located at Leisure Park, Redriff Road, Surrey Quays, London, England. It provides various facilities to its visitors such as food courts, wheelchair access, parking facility etc. Surrey Quays Cinema is near to Surrey Quays Shopping Center. The shopping center was established in the year 1989 which has various shops, some of them are Dorothy Perkins, Bhs, Burton, New Look and River Island. Odeon Surrey Quays Cinema has nine screens. Michael Murrant is the General Manager of the cinema. It is owned and managed by Odeon Cinemas. Odeon Cinemas is originally known as Uci which is the largest cinema operator in the United Kingdom. It was began its journey in the year 1928 in Brierly Hill, West Midlands, England. Odeon Cinemas was established by Oscar Deutsch. It is owned by Terra Firma Capital Partners. Odeon Cinemas has a large number of venues in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The address and contact number of Surrey Quays Cinema is also used for Surrey Quays Cinema Jobs, Surrey Quays Cinema Guardians of The Galaxy, Surrey Quays Cinema Complex, Surrey Quays Cinema Restaurants, Surrey Quays Cinema Kids and Surrey Quays Cinema Parking.

Surrey Quays Cinema Address

The address of Surrey Quays Cinema is ODEON Surrey Quays, Surrey Quays Leisure Park, Redriff Road, Surrey Quays, London SE16 7LL, England.

Surrey Quays Cinema Website

The Website of Surrey Quays Cinema is

Surrey Quays Cinema Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Surrey Quays Cinema is 0871 22 44 007 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Surrey Quays Cinema Service Center and Surrey Quays Cinema customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Surrey Quays Cinema customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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