Taj Hotel Mumbai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Taj Hotel Mumbai is +91 22 6665 3366 .
The Taj Hotel is 1st harbour milestone, developed 21 years prior to the Gateway of India in Mumbai and the Location of the 1st certified Bar in the city. The heritage of the City and The hotel are significantly connected. For over a 100 years, the hotel has enjoyed an innate element in the lifestyle of Mumbai, hosting Maharajas, prestigious celebrities from throughout the world. Nowadays the Taj is a Major Hotel of the Globe and preferred location for discerning Enterprise tourists. A value trove of important remembrances, there is a story to explain to regarding every pillar, a milestone Deal in every boardroom, and a varied special event under every awning. The address and contact number of Taj Hotel Mumbai is also used for Taj Hotel Mumbai attack, Taj Hotel Mumbai restaurants, Taj Hotel Mumbai attack video, Taj Hotel Mumbai careers, Taj Hotel Mumbai rates, Taj Hotel Mumbai wiki and Taj Hotel Mumbai menu card.

Fax No: +91 22 6665 0300, +91 22 6665 0308, +91 22 6665 0309

Taj Hotel Mumbai Address

The address of Taj Hotel Mumbai is Apollo Bunder, Opposite Gateway Of India, PJ Ramchandani Marg, Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400005 India.

Taj Hotel Mumbai Website

The Website of Taj Hotel Mumbai is www.tajhotels.com.

Taj Hotel Mumbai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Taj Hotel Mumbai is +91 22 6665 3366 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Taj Hotel Mumbai Service Center and Taj Hotel Mumbai customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Taj Hotel Mumbai customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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