Ups York Pa Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ups York Pa is (717) 845-8505, 800-333-7400 .
The United Parcel Service is a pioneer company working in the truck load services and logistics area and also in shipping products and assets on affordable freight charges. It is a transportation solutions provider which has global opportunities and has capabilities to achieve their goals. The company is providing their services in US, Canada and Mexico. The company has 200 plus facilities in the North American region. It has 23 thousand trailers and six thousand and seven hundred tractors which extends their rural connectivity. The interregional linkage of the company is result oriented. The company is also serviced as online tracking of orders. This company is doing business in two hundred countries in all continents. The company was installed on 1907 and now it becomes world's largest package delivery company. The address and contact number of Ups York Pa is also used for Ups York Pa Jobs, Ups Service Center York, York Pa Ups Store and York Pa Ups Hub.

Ups York Pa Address

The address of Ups York Pa is 1601, Toronita Street, YORK, PA-17402-1922, Pennsylvania, United States.

Ups York Pa Website

The Website of Ups York Pa is

Ups York Pa Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ups York Pa is (717) 845-8505, 800-333-7400 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ups York Pa Service Center and Ups York Pa customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ups York Pa customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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