West London Crematorium Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of West London Crematorium is +44(0)-20-8969-0152 .
The Kensal Green Cemetery is a place with full of Peace and a place where a person gets salvation. This Holy place is situated in the western London. This churchyard was established in 1833 and founded the barrister George Frederick Carden who was inspired by the Père Lachaise Cemetery of the Paris. This place is expanded in 72 acres area. This place is based with natural scenic views and attributes like conservative areas and a beautiful canal. There are thirty three types of species of animals’ lives in the protective manner. There are more than sixty five graves are there in this graveyard which are located in enough spaces.

West London Crematorium Address

The address of West London Crematorium is 385, Ladbroke Grove, Harrow Road, London, W104RA, Westminster, United States.

West London Crematorium Email Address

The email address of West London Crematorium is mariemurphey@hotmail.com.

West London Crematorium Website

The Website of West London Crematorium is www.kensalgreencemetery.com.

West London Crematorium Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of West London Crematorium is +44(0)-20-8969-0152 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of West London Crematorium Service Center and West London Crematorium customer phone number is given below. The helpline of West London Crematorium customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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