Xavier University of Louisiana Contact, Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Xavier University of Louisiana Contact, is +1 504-486-7411 .
The Xavier University of Louisiana is a private educational institution that was established in the year 1925. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the fields of law, mathematics, engineering, philosophy, chemistry, mass communication, pharmacy and many more. Addition to this, the institution also offers scholarships and Financial Aid to their students.

It is an affiliated to Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities(ACCU). Its main campus is situated in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. The institution imparts education to more than 3,200 students. The Xavier University of Louisiana is an associated with Gulf Coast Athletic Conference (GCAC) and National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA).

The Xavier University of Louisiana sport teams are also known as Gold Rush (men) and Gold Nuggets (women). It takes parts in nine sports such as basketball, tennis, track and field, cross country and volleyball. There are several facilities available at the University campus including library, campus security, meetings and conferences, bookstore, Housing and parking.

Xavier University of Louisiana Contact, Address

The address of Xavier University of Louisiana Contact, is 1 Drexel Dr, New Orleans, LA 70125, United States.

Xavier University of Louisiana Contact, Website

The Website of Xavier University of Louisiana Contact, is www.xula.edu.

Xavier University of Louisiana Contact, Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Xavier University of Louisiana Contact, is +1 504-486-7411 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Xavier University of Louisiana Contact, Service Center and Xavier University of Louisiana Contact, customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Xavier University of Louisiana Contact, customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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