Yokogawa Singapore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Yokogawa Singapore is (65)-6241-9933,Fax:(65)-6444-6252 .
Yokogawa Electric Corporation is an electric engineering and software company and is a Public Corporation. It is a Japanese company and the Headquarters is located in Musashino, Tokyo, Japan. It was opened in year 1915 and has ninety companies operating in fifty five Countries globally. The main products of Yokogawa are Pressure Transmitters, Oxygen Analyzers and Production Control Systems.
In year 2005 Yokogawa Electric started its Industrial automation business globally with establishment of Yokogawa Electric International in Singapore. Industrial automation and test and measurement hardware and software are the main business of Yokogawa. Products of the Yokogawa are used in different industries requiring process control system. The hardware products of Yokogawa include Controllers, data acquisition equipments and recorders. It also manufactures field instruments and semi-conductor related products.

Yokogawa Singapore Address

The address of Yokogawa Singapore is 5, Bedok South Road, Singapore 469270, Singapore.

Yokogawa Singapore Website

The Website of Yokogawa Singapore is www.yokogawa.com.

Yokogawa Singapore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Yokogawa Singapore is (65)-6241-9933,Fax:(65)-6444-6252 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Yokogawa Singapore Service Center and Yokogawa Singapore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Yokogawa Singapore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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