aiou gujranwala Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of aiou gujranwala is (055) 9230251-2, (051) 111-112-468 .
AIOU (Allama Iqbal Open University) GUJRANWALA is the first Open University of Asia situated in GUJRANWALA PAKISTAN. It was established in the year 1974. Initially it was named as the People’s Open University and was renamed as Allama Iqbal Open University in 1977. AIOU offers a wide range of of courses at undergraduate, graduate, Master’s, M.Phil and Doctoral levels. The University also offers some basic and functional courses for both illiterate and semi-literate categories. some of the programmes offered by the university are Higher Secondary School Certificate (Intermediate), Secondary School Certificate (Matric), Bachelor Programmes, B.Ed Programme, Post Graduate Diploma (PGD), Primary Teaching Certificate (PTC), Diploma in Education, Master's Programmes, M. Phil Programmes, Ph.D Programmes, and Certificate of Teaching. AIOU has also won several awards like NOMA, UNESCO and Raja Roy Sing award for innovative literacy to the rural masses

aiou gujranwala Address

The address of aiou gujranwala is Regional Center, Allama Iqbal Open University, 10-X Block, Peoples Colony, GUJRANWALA, pakistan..

aiou gujranwala Email Address

The email address of aiou gujranwala is

aiou gujranwala Website

The Website of aiou gujranwala is

aiou gujranwala Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of aiou gujranwala is (055) 9230251-2, (051) 111-112-468 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of aiou gujranwala Service Center and aiou gujranwala customer phone number is given below. The helpline of aiou gujranwala customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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