aladin amusement park Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of aladin amusement park is +923218755731, +9221111111734 .
Aladin Amusement Park is a leisure and recreational area/park based in Karachi, Pakistan. It was established in the year 1997. Aladin Amusement Park offers various fun rides and games. It has 30 outdoor and 4 indoor rides. Some of the rides are Aladin Express, Boat Club, Crazy Boat, Cater Pillar, Dodgem Car, Dinosaur, Cyclone, Ferris Wheel, Fish World, Flying Carpet, Top Spin, TT-Train, Wheeler Train, Chair Lift, Alley Gulley and many more. It also provides gaming facility like Danger Zone, 3D Car racing games, Extreme fall, Billiard Biltz 2, Battle Meches, Amusement Park Decoration Game etc. Aladin Amusement Park also offers facilities like Parking area for 400 plus Cars and 150 plus Motor Bikes, Food outlets, Information centre for Customer Services, Play back music in Amusement Park, First Aid facility and Lost and Found counter. It also has a twitter account and can be followed at @Aladin_Park

aladin amusement park Address

The address of aladin amusement park is Gulshan-e-Iqbal Main Rashid Minhas Road, 75300, Karachi, Pakistan.

aladin amusement park Email Address

The email address of aladin amusement park is

aladin amusement park Website

The Website of aladin amusement park is

aladin amusement park Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of aladin amusement park is +923218755731, +9221111111734 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of aladin amusement park Service Center and aladin amusement park customer phone number is given below. The helpline of aladin amusement park customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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