alobijod cove Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of alobijod cove is 011 (63) (33) 396 0028, 011 (63) 999 579 4926 .
Alobijod Cove Resort is located in the Guimaras island province of the Philippines. It is owned and operated by the Alubihod Development and Holding Co. The various facilities offered by Alobijod Cove include over 14 thatch roof open picnic huts, Dining Room - waterfront casual dining room, Sari Sari Store & Gift shop, Multi use Pavilion for meeting & special function, 24 hour manned security guards, air-conditioned cottages, game rentals ( chess, dart, ping pong, mancala, domino, checker, etc.,) and more. Alobijod Cove Resort also offers the services of Guimaras Tourist Destination Tour, Island Hopping and boating and Chartered transportation arrangement (at cost).

alobijod cove Address

The address of alobijod cove is Alubihud Beach Drive Nueva Valencia Guimaras 5000.

alobijod cove Email Address

The email address of alobijod cove is

alobijod cove Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of alobijod cove is 011 (63) (33) 396 0028, 011 (63) 999 579 4926 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of alobijod cove Service Center and alobijod cove customer phone number is given below. The helpline of alobijod cove customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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