amacc Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of amacc is +46 18 711850 .
AMACC (Anderberg & Modéer Accelerator AB) company was founded in the year 1994. It has two main lines of activities viz. consulting in the particle accelerator technology field and developing and manufacturing instruments in the field of material physics. The company designs and produces all kinds of magnets (except superconducting) for use in the accelerator and physics field. Some of the products of AMACC include miniMOKE (a compact instrument with integrated dedicated electronics for measurements of Magneto-Optical Kerr Effects), HIMAG-5000 (a high resolution magnetic spectrometer for ion back-scattering analysis) and Vector Magnet MOKE (a MOKE instrument with a magnet, where the field direction can be chosen freely in three dimensions). AMACC offers consulting services in the fields of Electron synchrotrons, Electron storage rings, Magnets, High and ultra-high vacuum technology, Septa, Beam diagnostics etc.

amacc Address

The address of amacc is Salagatan 16F 753 30 Uppsala Sweden.

amacc Email Address

The email address of amacc is

amacc Website

The Website of amacc is

amacc Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of amacc is +46 18 711850 (Click phone number to call).

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