ashmolean museum Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of ashmolean museum is +44 (0)1865 278006 .
Ashmolean Museum or the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology is based in England. Its history goes back to the 1670's and is located in Beaumont Street, Oxford, England. Ashmolean Museum collection includes antique coins, books, engravings, geological specimens, zoological specimens etc. The museum also housed the stuffed body of the last dodo ever seen in Europe before being moth-eaten by 1755. The Highlights of the Ashmolean's collection include Drawings by Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci, The lantern that Gunpowder Plot conspiracist Guy Fawkes carried in 1605, The Kish tablet etc.

ashmolean museum Address

The address of ashmolean museum is Beaumont Street, Oxford, England.

ashmolean museum Email Address

The email address of ashmolean museum is

ashmolean museum Website

The Website of ashmolean museum is

ashmolean museum Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of ashmolean museum is +44 (0)1865 278006 (Click phone number to call).

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