asif ali malayalam actor Phone Number Customer Service

Asif Ali is an Indian Malayalam movie actor who has starred in many movies. He was born on February 4, 1986. He is an alumnus of De Paul Public School, Rajarshi Memorial School and Marian College, Kuttikkanam. Asif Ali got married to Zama Mazreen on 26th of May in the year 2013. He started his acting career with the fil Ritu released in the year 2009. Some other movies done by Asif Ali include Kadha Thudarunnu, Best of Luck, Salt N' Pepper, Asuravithu,I Love Me, Jawan of Vellimala, D Company and Husbands in Goa. He may also be followed on twitter at @@actorasifali. Asif Ali has won many awards such as Best Actor in a Villain Role for Apoorvaragam in 2010, Best Star Pair for Salt N’ Pepper in 2011 and Jaihind T.V Award for Upcoming Talent in 2011.

asif ali malayalam actor Address

The address of asif ali malayalam actor is Karikkode, Thodupuzha, Idukki, Kerala.

asif ali malayalam actor Email Address

The email address of asif ali malayalam actor is

asif ali malayalam actor Website

The Website of asif ali malayalam actor is

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of asif ali malayalam actor Service Center and asif ali malayalam actor customer phone number is given below. The helpline of asif ali malayalam actor customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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