gurudwara jebel ali Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of gurudwara jebel ali is +971 4 8827550, +971 501004085, +971 558977441 .
Guru Nanak Darbar, the large gurdwara is located in Jebel Ali, Dubai. It was founded in June 2010 and serves over 10,000 worshipers. Guru Nanak Darbar is spread on an area of 25,400 sq ft of land, given by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum for the construction of the building. The Gurdwara is the first official Sikh temple in the entire Gulf, catering to the needs of the local Sikh community. Guru Nanak Darbar routine comprises of several morning, afternoon and evening programs viz. Kirtan, Path Sukhmani Sahib, Naam Simran, Nitnem etc. Guru Nanak Darbar also offers the services of Langar / Break Fast Sewa, Matrimonial Services, Child Amrit Ceremony, House Warming Prayers, Condolence Prayers etc.

gurudwara jebel ali Address

The address of gurudwara jebel ali is Jebel Ali, Dubai.

gurudwara jebel ali Email Address

The email address of gurudwara jebel ali is

gurudwara jebel ali Website

The Website of gurudwara jebel ali is

gurudwara jebel ali Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of gurudwara jebel ali is +971 4 8827550, +971 501004085, +971 558977441 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of gurudwara jebel ali Service Center and gurudwara jebel ali customer phone number is given below. The helpline of gurudwara jebel ali customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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